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February 05, 2003 - 6 pm

Responses to ABC's new series Miracles (the last episode):

The plane disappears: NEAT!
Why is there an alarm going off in the control tower? Do alarms usually go off when planes disappear?
Nice credits!!!
Angus MacFadyen...*DROOL*
Why doesn't a christian priest believe in the end of the world?
"Why am I here?" Why ARE you there, Paul? Can we have a purpose for our main character, please?
Caller said "There is something strange going on at Logan Airport" awfully quickly before Angus hung up!
"What's under the sheet?" What IS under the sheet? Why don't we quit asking and just show what's under the goddamn sheet already!
Yay, spontaneous human combustion AND a burmuda triangle effect, in one episode! Not to convolute it or anything!
Nice that there is a new recruit aside from Paul
"Well...there he was." "Who?" "Satan." SATAN
Gotta love speaking in tongues.
Okay, either make the guy lipsync, or make him say the actual lines. No bad dubbing allowed!!
He's speaking Aramaic? OF COURSE he's speaking Aramaic. What else would you speak when speaking in tongues??
Traumatized little girl realizes the horror of her life to come...*giggle*
SO GLAD the soldier followed through with his ultimatum "Move or I'll move you." It's like Scully never shooting when she says "Don't move or I'll shoot!" Always good for dad to start screaming at the TV.
Aramaic to talk about physics? WHY???? What is the damn point of THAT?
"I have a theory..." LOL
Why does the flight attendant get knowledge of higher physics and how to destroy the world? How is his case related to everyone else's cases?
"Mm. Uh, headache." Uh, OBVIOUS? Cliche'd gesture much? *Presses fingers to her temple and winces* Guess what I'm thinking now.
SO saw the tape slight of hand coming.
The paralyzed wife would at least be able to cry - emotional reaction and tears don't rely on motor skills.

I'm giving it one more episode to get good before I give up.

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