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November 03, 2002 - 11 am

Back to a crappier format, but a little better than the black-and-white one. I was hosting that image of Fairuza and a CSS file at a friend's site, where I also have my Spike site. Alas she exceeded her allotted space, so I unlinked that stuff.

Once I get a fawking job and some cash, I'll get my own space for hosting stuff. I'm already ahead of myself with a design and a domain name picked out.

As far as the job search goes, it looked pretty good yesterday: I took the Bon gift card my mom gave me ('cause she loves me, aww) and headed to the mall. I got some new mascara after my old tube served me well for at least two years (it was still going strong, too, but I wanted a fresher one). After wandering around the clothes, I checked out some jewelry.

First off, anyone who saw my Fairuza title graphic may take notice of the huge chunky silver cuffs she's wearing. I fell in love with those the moment I saw that pic, and I've been searching for some like them ever since. Too bad quality silver of that size is reallye expensive.

Well, the Bon had some incredibly cheap (as in material and quality of craftsmanship) cuff bracelets on sale. I barely resisted. They looked pretty cool, but they probably would've made my arm black and then broken in half after a couple of months. *Sigh*

Anyway, after that I wandered towards the makeup counters. One, called BeneFit, had a lot of their product packaging in that cute 40s Norman Rockwell style. I paused, and one of the counter people (a guy) came up.

I told him I was just browsing, but he asked if he could show me some things. I said sure. He waved his fairy hand at a stool and told me (with what was nearly a lisp) to sit down.

First off...god, I love faggy men. They're so cute and funny.

So he put some stuff on me, including a light powder and this tint made from rosewater. The powder was to even out my skin tone, and the tint was to add that rosy "I've just been running" glow. He gestured to a poster as he put it on. It showed yet another cute '40s girl with rosy cheeks and gleaming lips. Adorable. I can't resist that.

I ended up just getting the powder and some eyebrow stuff, but I'll probably go back for the tint and some lip gloss. He gave me his card and told me to call with any questions, so I asked him if they were hiring.

They are hiring for the holidays, and I think I have a pretty good chance because it turns out both he and I got our starts in theatre makeup. He's obviously been at it longer, but it just goes to show that a background like that may get me places.

So I'm going to try applying to them.

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