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April 22, 2001 - quarter to 9 pm

So I went to Mai's party last night. Wheeeee!

The theme was, in my words, Serial Killer Night. Come dressed as one (famous or non-existent), and bring serial killer-type music. I brought all of my AFI, wore my pleather pants and my new AFI tee. I wasn't trying to fit the theme too hard. ;)

It was a really, really good party. There weren't that many people there, but enough. I'm glad there weren't more, or it would have been over-crowded. One of the boys put Depeche Mode on the stereo and got everyone dancing, which is so so so SO rare at any of the private house parties I've been to. I joined in on this, not having danced to DM in way too fucking long. It was also the first time I've done so in a group of people, so I was more than happy to do it. At one point Mai pulled me into the living room for a dance and said, "Okay, you need to learn how to goth dance." I just started dancing the way I always dance to DM, and she went, "Hehe, nevermind!" and later complimented me on my moves. I'm glad to know I come by this naturally, and mentally mock people I used to know who snidely told me that goth is a state of mind, and no, I couldn't be one. But that was several years ago.

Anyway, more fun first-times: getting drunk. And I mean stumbling-around-the-room-is-spinning-everything-is-SO-fucking-funny smashed. Me, Mai, Melissa, and Deborah all did four shots (slammed, not sipped), chased by regular ol' Coke. Later Mai went back for at least one, maybe two more. I finished off my beverage intake with a Doc Otis. All of it - doing shots, dancing to DM, drinking a Doc Otis - was quite liberating, because all are connected with Rat. She does shots (that is, she does enough that when I think of someone doing shots I think of her), she got me into DM, she drinks Dot Otis. I almost didn't have the last since it's Rat's drink of choice, but then I decided fuck it, I want this drink, I'm not going to let her spoil it for me. It all wore off by 1 am, and I haven't felt any negative effects yet. *Smirk*

Listening to DM was bittersweet. I've forgotten how much I *heart* their music, but moving to "In Your Room" made me remember how Rat had always said it was SUCH the Sid and Nancy song, but now I realize how it is such OUR song. Not then, but now. So many DM songs have a meaning she and/or I gave them, but at least I CAN listen to them.

I ended up spending the night, which was...odd. I literally dozed from 3 to 8, opening my eyes anywhere from every five minutes to once an hour. All that wheezing (which wasn't as bad as it usually is, thank god) and sniffling (fucking horrible). But I'm glad I did, 'cause I didn't go to bed until 3, and there's no chance I would have been able to stay that long and still go home.

Dammit, there were so many great sig quotes we came up with, but I can't remember any of them.

Mai gave me a couple of cool things: a makeup box she wanted to get rid of, which is basically a miniature metal packing trunk. Y'know? With buckles and stuff. I like it. It'll be great for carrying money and stuff around at dances. Also, a bustier she got off eBay that doesn't fit her. It's all white and lacy and see-through. Gee, what a hardship. ;)

In other news...the Punk-O-Rama tour is coming June 9th. Guttermouth, the US Bombs, Union 13, and the Deviates. I'm definitely going to shoot for this one, especially since it's at the Graceland - the place without security barriers. *Bounce* I *heart* the US Bombs...cute little skater punx....

I miss dot. *Pout* She's got insomnia, so she's avoiding people for fear of getting pissed off at them and shooting at a few heads. It sucks, in all regards.

Moved the Bastards site! Update yer bookmarks!

I'm lookin' at stills of AFI's latest vid, "Days of the Phoenix." Fucking NUMMY boys. *Happy sigh*

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