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July 27, 2001 - quarter past noon

Sorry I haven't written lately, but I've been busy as hell. I leave home at a quarter to 7 am and get home at ten to 7 pm, and then I eat dinner, and watch tv or check my email, then bed.

Anyway, some good stuff lately. Saturday Mai and I saw The Mummy Returns, which we both enjoyed. Sunday she, Lyss, and I went to a park and took a bunch of pictures (which should turn out to be GREAT), and then went back home and watched three hours of wrestling.

Now, last Friday some rather unfortunate news came my way, regarding shit going down with But by the early days of this week things had pretty much settled, and Bob and I confirmed that I'd be doing my damnedest to get to Warped.

So I have to get a credit card and buy plane tickets this weekend, and then I'll be set. It's scary that it's a week from SUNDAY.

Last night I went to Mai's again and watched more wrestling. This shit is addictive!

Tomorrow I have a family gathering. *Makes a face* Sunday I'm MISSING Depeche Mode. Fuckin' Jon not fuckin' getting back to me about a fuckin' free ticket....

Anyway, work is nice. There are a bunch of cuties who work in the warehouse. Almost everybody here is either married or taken, and I'm not TERRIBLY interested in any of the singles - which I think is only Susan, who is training me as her replacement. She's really pretty, but she'd drive me she don't swing that way, yanno?

But there's Eli, who's a hottie punker. The first day he wore a Motorhead shirt. The other day he wore a Cramps shirt. Today it's Danzig. But he's awfully aloof....

...or not. I sent out an email this morning, following up a minor annoyance when our CEO temporarily lost her palm pilot yesterday. This morning I mentioned that it had been found, so no one would worry about it (as if they were worrying anyway). Eli just sent a reply to me: "what a relief."


This should be fun.

There's also Kyle, who's married and has a kid, but is very nice to look at. He had a lip ring in yesterday. Mmmm.

And almost everybody has nice tats to look at. Mostly the warehouse guys, our way cool accountant, and Susan are the ones with the visibles, but I see them a lot, so it's all good.

Susan's going to Depeche Mode. I may have her take pictures for me.

La la la...back to work again.

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