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December 17, 2002 - quarter to 8 pm

Well, I just came back from a harrowing four hours with Yushi! Woo!

Technically we tattooed from 3:30 to about 5:45, so it wasn't completely four hours, and not even that of inking time, but I was definitely ready to quit. Ouchie ouch ouch. I've never gone that long before, and the worst was the burn that comes from the work already done...the shading work being done on top of it, Yushi's constant wiping of my stomach, and my frigging leg twitching just made it hard to bear.

The waves took longer than Yushi anticipated, so we're putting off finishing the lotus until January 18th...providing I have cash and free time at that point. *Crosses fingers*

The nice thing was that Yush only charged me for 2 hours, and said he'd charge that for next time ("two and two," he said), so I saved more than I thought I would. After my tip for him, I've got $120 already saved going towards the next session, and I forgot about the $40 downpayment I made in October, so that's even less to pay.

The waves look fucking AWESOME, btw. Better than I'd imagined. I can't wait to get a pic taken. The lotus is outlined and will undoubtably look gorgeous too. The lines alone are tantalizing.

And now I have to tape the new episode of Buffy. *Gingerly sprints for the VCR*

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