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December 12, 2002 - half past 10 am

There was a big difference between students' work ethic in my English class this quarter. Yesterday I handed in my last homework paper (a self-evaluation; it doesn't count for points) and got some feedback on my last graded essay. Before talking with my teacher, a couple of students sitting in the hall with me conversed about the grade one of them had received. Let's compare.

"What'd you get?"
"A C Minus for the quarter."
"Well, that's okay, you can pass!"


"I have your final essay here. I have to say, this was one of the most interesting papers I've read in a long time. It's definitely college-level writing. You have a sense history, of the entire impact of the [Watergate] event. I had to give you a B on that final quiz, though. So I think I'll sneak you past with a D for the whole quarter, okay?"
"Um, wait a minute..."
*Laughs* "Just kidding, you get an A. If I could give you an A Plus, I would, but unfortunately the grade stops at A."


The sad thing is, the girl who got the C Minus IS smart; I've heard her engage in class discussions, and she's no dummy.

It just goes to show: no matter how much you hate the class, not doing the work isn't going to make a difference worth a damn.

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