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December 28, 2002 - half past 9 pm

So I�m watching Saturday Night Fever on ABC (hey, that�s damn good dancing, athletically speaking) and there�s an ad for that new �Jimmy Kimmel� show.

At the very end of the ad, there�s a heavily tattooed guy with piercings and green hair shaved close up to his temples. He says, �I�m in a rock �n� roll band,� and the guy says something like, �Oh, I have to hear this!�

I went, WUH?

It was the lead singer from Demented Are Go! The headliners from Wreckers Ball! I think his name is Sparky. Something like that.

As I write this I realized I never got around to summing up my Wreckers Ball experience back in June, so let me do a little recap on why it�s cool that I saw this guy. This isn�t the highlight from the weekend (that was meeting Geoff Kresge, *droooool*), but it�s necessary background.

When I flew in I took a cab to the hotel and checked in, changed, and went to the lobby to take another cab to the show. There was a nice psycho boy in the lobby with two thin rows of a tiny little spiked hawk, higher in the front, like a pompadour. He said he was going to the theatre and he�d give me a ride, but I had to wait until he got some things settled. He said his name was Gator, and he played in a couple of bands that weekend. He also practically took over and ran the whole show from the original person, who ended up being a complete fuck-up and liar. Very, very, very nice and smart guy.

Anyway, I was sitting around waiting for him, and a big group of guys with thick Cockney accents came in and dropped their bags. Gator got to work getting them settled, while one of them sat at this little table with me. I said to him, �So are you in a band with these guys?� having figured out that they were a band.

He said, �No, I�m just hanging around with them.� We chatted for a little bit, and I heard Gator say (trying to figure out why their name wasn�t coming up in the computer) that they were Demented Are Go.

Only THE most famous psychobilly band�EVER.

Since it looked like they wouldn�t have a place to sleep that night, I said, �Hey, my room�s huge, I don�t mind sharing it with someone.� The guy sitting with me chuckled and shook his head, saying that wouldn�t be a good idea.

I found out later that I�d been talking to Sparky. This is the same guy that got DEPORTED last time they were here because he grabbed some girl�s ass and her dad filed charges.

And I almost shared a BED with him. Ha!!

And he�s some random guy in an ad for an ABC show. That�s just�.weird.

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