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January 07, 2003 - 11 am

So Xmas was pretty damn good at Budgie's house. I'm not going to give an inventory of presents, but just some highlights. The first prezzie I opened was from my mom, a big flat thing. It turned out to be a framed painting, a watercolor done of me when I was five and a half by a great aunt I met maybe twice in my life. She was a very talented but unrecognized artist, just like her sister, my paternal grandmother. As soon as I saw it I choked up and could barely thank my mom. Best. Gift. Ever. All mom had to do was find it and get it framed, and I'll treasure it forever.

She also gave me two gorgeous scarves she knitted herself, and I'm working on one myself that is looking pretty cool.

My brother surprised me with two CDs. I expected him to give me a burned copy of Frank Sinatra's Sinatra at the Sands, because he has it himself, but my dad gave me that. Instead my bro gave me the O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack and a burned copy of the Dixie Chicks' Home. He also gave my mom a bluegrass sampler, with a bunch of Alison Krauss thrown in (the sweet-voiced woman on the O Brother soundtrack). Apparently he's been getting into bluegrass a lot while working for the forest service and on the Walla Walla Watershed Council.

As much as it may surprise my dear readers, I'm enjoying these very much. It's all Mitch's fault, too: the O Brother soundtrack and one of Dwight Yoakum's (sp?) older albums were just about all we played when we went camping with friends and out to Montana. So it brings back some good times. I like the Dixie Chicks album, too, so *thbbppt*.

And of course my dad and I went to see The Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers. This was especially fun to see, probably better than last year, because of the animation class I took last quarter. Gotta love insight into movie magic, y'know?

And let me add again that Chicago ROCKED. From the opening number to the marquee-with-burned-out-bulb look of the ending credits. To all those who thought Moulon Rouge was good (*GAG*), go see this, dammit.

Almost lastly: I got chatting with vrya, who runs the awesome Buffy Dialogue Database as well as a personal site of music and fan art, and she suggested I join Imaging Buffy, a group that discusses and shares fan art. The people in it are some of the most talented yet, and that's saying something. So I joined, and submitted some work for review yesterday, and have been churning out stuff day and night for the last couple of months. Damn, I need a personal site to post this stuff, maybe move my diary to, to get myself organized and represented.

On an unrelated note: 8:30 am is too damn early for Philosophy: Critical Reasoning.

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