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January 14, 2003 - half past 10 am

I'm tired of people "knocking on my door" and saying they want to "see me" again, but then walking away when I "try to talk" to them.

Don't try reading between the lines, because that IS between the lines, if you're wondering. I just need to let that out. It hurts.

Imaging Buffy is SO fulfilling. The latest challenge inspired me to do something based on all the JossBtVS list discussion about Spike and similarities in Christian symbolism, so I did, and it rocks, if I do say so myself. Other people said so too, though, so it�s not just me. *Grins* Plus it�s so much fun to see what other people are doing, and it's still a pretty small group even though about 10 people have come out of lurkdom in the last week, so you see all of the same elements in their art and know that you're one of the first people to see what they�re making. It's the "premiere at the art museum" feel, I guess.

For my creative writing class everyone has to bring in about 10 pages of a story they�ve written for peer review. Guess who�s the first person to bring something in, today?

So I took a Buffy/Spike fic I started three years ago and finally finished last month, and took out the sex scene and cleaned up some of the language, and surprisingly enough, I don't feel like I'm cutting off toes one by one. I don't miss it. It's probably better this way. We'll see. The good thing about going first is that there hasn't yet been anyone to compare yourself to. And, as I found out in my animation class final last quarter, if you go first and later people vote on what piece was the best, yours gets forgotten.

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