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January 17, 2003 - quarter to noon

Just a note to the idiot writers on CSI (aka Crime Solving for Idiots):

Women do not lactate until they've already given birth.

Scene: a father is a suspect in his ex-wife's murder. One of his daughter's hairs is found in his bed. An investigator confronts the daughter. In the middle of the interrogation the girl gasps and looks down. Her shirt is wet. The investigator says, "You're pregnant."

Brilliant, Holmes. A crime scene investigator doesn't know one of the most basic facts of pregnancy.

Later in the show they claim it's an imagined pregnancy - a psychological thing. Yeah. Whatever. I've GOT to stop watching this show.

And another thing: if I see one more patient wearing an oxygen tube AND breathing fine on their own, Michael Crichton is going to die for creating ER.

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